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Can't resize vdisk

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hello. I can't resize vdisk.img. I want shrink it.
It before shrink



it after shrink windows




Shrink in terminal



It after shrink in terminal




Why i can't really shrink img ? 

Just i have around 3-4 VM which need shrink.

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9 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Are you trimming the vdisks? They can grow a lot if you don't:




Yes. It all started with trimming. I wanted to reduce vdisk from 260 to 190 Gb.

I try with you guide change driver to SCSI and Defrag and Optimize drive.

Now i get this:
Add to drive free space 80G


But vdisk still 260G


It fine ? Now i can use it space ?

For MacOS VM need to do the same?

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Posted (edited)

I succeeded trim macos vdisk. I did it according to this guide. I'll add to this, I've also reduced partition size in macos Disk Utility. After i did command qemu-img resize --shrink macos_disk.img 80G 


Edited by Exlife
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