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Unable to Connect via SSH or to the Unraid GUI

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Unraid v6.12.10

I am currently unable to navigate to the Unraid GUI or via SSH (the connections time out). Initially, that was all that was wrong; all my Docker containers continued running.


So, I rebooted my server and still have the same problem but now most of my Docker containers seem not to be running. Sometimes, after rebooting Uptime Kuma is running and sending notifications about my other containers not accepting connections.

I do not understand why this has suddenly happened - I did perform a "diagnostics" on the command line (via KVM over IP) which I have looked at and I can't see anything obvious in there but I am sure I have missed something.


I would like to share my diagnostics here but I want to check: if I create the diagnostics via the CLI, are they anonymised? Is there a particular argument I need to supply to anonymise them?


Edited by writablevulture
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22 hours ago, JorgeB said:

CLI diags are anonymised.


Thank you, it took me a while to manage to get a network path mounted to get the diagnostics off, but I have now attached them.

I don't see anything in them that is so catastrophic that I can't get to the Web GUI or log in via SSH. If anyone can help me understand what is going on here I'd be grateful. Thanks!


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Nothing jumps out, is it the same if you try accessing by IP?


If yes, disable docker service start by editing /config/docker.cfg on the flash drive and changing DOCKER_ENABLED="yes" to "no", then boot in safe mode and retest.

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Posted (edited)
50 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Nothing jumps out, is it the same if you try accessing by IP?

Thank you, that wasn't the IP address I was expecting. It looks like my router simply lost the DHCP reservation for my server. I have no idea why; the reservation for my KVM over IP was fine but the actual Unraid IP reservation just got lost. I suppose that is what I get for using my ISP's supplied router.

It's so frustrating - in the end my server was fine, I was just hitting the wrong IP address and I just hadn't spotted it.

Edited by writablevulture
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