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unraid newbie: monoprice card and super micro c2see, card not seen?

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I bought the "unofficial official"  c2see board and two of the monoprice cards but am having an issue where the mobo does not see the cards! Help the new guy out here! I just bought a pro license and am getting frustrated? Am I missing some crucial set up instructions? Any info would be helpful. Talk to me like I am an idiot, I promise not to be offended!


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Dump plenty more details, which monoprice card? which unRAID version? the more you post the better answers.

Sorry, told you I was an idiot. The 2 port sata card from monoprice. Newest version of unraid 4.7. Unraid sees all six of the sata ports on the mobo but does not see  the two mono price cards as far as I can tell. Version 1.0c of the c2s33 board. mobo bios is up to date. system  memory is 4gb and is seen fine. Drives are Hitachi 2tb NOT advanced format drives. What other info should I post? Thanks in advance for the help.



UPDATE: One card working on pci slot 4. The one I had on slot 6 is NOT working. I just now switched it to slot 7 to see if that will do it. Should I go into bios on the mobo and shut off the unused pci slots? any pros cons?

told you i was a moron..

If you want to know how dumb I was it took me a few minutes to figure out there was a power button for each cage of my 5 bay backplane. No wonder unraid did not detect any drives.. sheesh...

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