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Parity Disabled

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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14 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Parity dropped offline, reboot and post new diags.


i did a reboot and the parity hdd showed again, then i again set it up on parity slot and start rebuilding. Suddenly got again the error on parity disk (same amount of errors - 1024) and the pool now is read-check state paused. I will attach new diagnosis zip here.

thank you !!


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Posted (edited)
On 7/21/2024 at 9:45 PM, JorgeB said:

SMART looks OK, try replacing the cables, both power and SATA.

I've tried changing cables and wiping the contacts of the LSI controller and the HP expander with isopropyl alcohol. I also changed the HDD position, but now it doesn't even show up on reboot, only in a disabled state. One thing to note: my HBA card has the 5th and 6th pins isolated with electrical tape because the system won't start otherwise. Could that be causing the problem? The HDD is relatively new, so it's strange that it doesn't work.

I've noticed another issue: after making these changes, I temporarily lost another 4TB HDD, which was quite alarming. However, it came back online after a few reboots. Without parity, if I lose another HDD, I risk losing data.


MAYBE i should do a TOTAL format/preclear of the HDD and try to add it as a parity again (re-build) ?


i will attach new diag file maybe you can find something.

Thank you very much


Edited by 1HP
added MAYBE
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8 hours ago, JorgeB said:

That should not be a problem.


That also suggests a power/connection issue.

My configuration :

Intel i7 12700k

16GB DDR4 ram

Quadro P2000

PSU 500w

LSI Card

Expander Card

12 HDDs



The idea now is to try switching to an 850W PSU to see if the problem persists. Another thing I didn't mention: when the parity is active and I attempt to rebuild, it starts with a speed of 5-30 MB/s. After some time, the parity building stops and a read check begins and the parity drive shows alot of errors.


After all these errors, isn't better to wipe the parity disk and maybe do a preclear and build again the parity ?

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On 7/23/2024 at 9:32 AM, JorgeB said:

Probably due to errors in one or more disks, but would need the diags to confirm


I don't know if this was the issue, but to eliminate any doubts, I took the following steps:

- Switched the PSU from a 500W Antec to an 850W Corsair.

- Performed a complete format and preclear of the parity HDD, including both pre-read and post-read steps (all 4 steps were successful).

- Even though it shouldn't have been a problem, I bought an LSI 9300 16i card to replace the old 8i card that was working with an expander card.


Now the parity is working well.


Thank you for your advices.


Have a good day

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