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Unraid doesnt boot anymore - USB-Stick seems to be broken

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Hi there and sorry to bother here. 


I used the search but I am still confused, since I mostly found information on how to build a new USB-stick and reregister it - but not what to do next.


So I started my unraid server in december as an experiment and replacement for my 10 years old synology. 


Unraid convinced me immediately and it ran very well until powered it down 2 days ago and now it does not seem to boot anymore. 


When I put the stick in one of my other Macs it is not recognized. 


Problem is: 

I _thought_ that I had a Backup on my Laptop and I _thought_ I activated the Unraid Connect Flash Backup.


Turns out:

It seems like I managed to screw them up both :(


So my question is:

1. Can I build a new USB-Stick, boot the Unraid with it, mount the existing array full of data again and reregister the stick then? There is also a Cache-SSD in there. So can I get the fresh USB Stick work with the existing config on the system, since the old USB does not seem to work anymore? 


2. Do I have to rebuild the whole system but be at least able to use the Data on the Parity- and the Data-Disk?


3. Am I screwed and the whole data is gone?


I really appreciate your help.



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