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[PLUGIN] TLDR (Command-Line Cheatsheets) for UNRAID

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TLDR (Command-Line Cheatsheets) for UNRAID


"Oh man, how did that terminal command work again?"

If you ever asked yourself that question, do continue reading!




For space preservation reasons, Unraid OS does not come with the man command.

The respective binaries' --help argument or looking online is how to reconstruct a forgotten command.


Wouldn't it be nice to have a simple to understand, quick overview of the most common use cases?

Wouldn't it be even nicer to have that right inside the terminal and not buried in an online forum somewhere?


The TLDR pages are a community effort to simplify the beloved man pages with practical examples.


Install once, easy to keep up to date and always at your instant disposal from the terminal.

Programs get updated and commands can change, so updating the help definitions (or not) is a breeze.


Project Page: https://tldr.sh (with Demo) / Source Code: https://github.com/tldr-pages/tlrc/tree/v1.9.2

As featured and further explained here: https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/tldr-linux


Installable via Community Applications


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