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Transfer rates seem very slow


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I've had my server set up for about a year now. I hadn't ever really though about this, but my transfer rates seem rather slow considering my network / hardware.


So my network is listed as a gigabit network. Both my desktop (which is what I usually transfer files from) and my unRaid server are connected directly to an Airport Extreme router (gigabit LAN connections). The mobo for my server has a LAN connected rated for 1000Mb/s


My transfer rates are always around 10MB/s. Looking at my network usage, I'm at about 10%, which would make sense if something somewhere was limiting my network speeds to 100Mb/s


Something just seems wrong here...networking stuff is not my forte and I really don't know where to begin trying to figure out what the issue might be.


Any thoughts? Let me know what further info I need to provide.

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The drive that I'm currently transferring to has about 300GBs of free space left (of 2 TBs). All of the drives are the same (5400RPM, Samsung drives, forgetting the actual name), but again it's not that these rates have changed...this is what I've been getting since I put the server together.


I'm basically "cutting" files that are present on my desktop and "pasting" them to the "Movies" share (which only includes 1 drive at the moment), which is mapped as a drive.

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Do a copy of a file using TeraCopy, it will tell you what speed you are getting during a copy. Without those stats you will not get many answers. I have eight 2TB Samsung drives SAMSUNG_HD203WI & one SAMSUNG_HD204UI. From my desktop machine to the protect array directly I get up to 45 MB/s but most of the times I get an average of mid to upper 30s.


On a separate server a HP Micro Server I only get up to low 30s with 3TB Hitachi drives. It varies but I believe the copy / paste method may not be the most efficient for transferring.

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So, connection speed seems to be 100Mb/s, according to that command:



Settings for eth0:

        Supported ports: [ TP MII ]

        Supported link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full

                                100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full

                                1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full

        Supports auto-negotiation: Yes

        Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full

                                100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full

                                1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full

        Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes

        Speed: 100Mb/s

        Duplex: Full

        Port: MII

        PHYAD: 0

        Transceiver: internal

        Auto-negotiation: on

        Supports Wake-on: pumbg

        Wake-on: g

        Current message level: 0x00000033 (51)

        Link detected: yes


Now the question is, why

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