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Unraid 7 Mover stop working

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I'm about at wits end. I can figure most stuff out but ive  been struggling with this for a few days. I have two share that use the cache, test and media. When i download something to test, the mover moves it just fine. But it doesn't work for media. I have diagonstics i can post. I did have the ca mover tuning plugin installed but uninstalled it. I did see it was complaining about a missing Media share, my actual media share is media, lowercase. I appreciate all the help. 


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Heres the new diagnostic file, i rebooted after i deleted that file and checked around and noticed the media share had the correct cfg associated with it. did some more looking and realized that the mover still didnt work. so i checked the share setting and noticted it wasnt set to use the cache so i changed it. and lo and behold its moving things again. Its a bit behind so its gonna take awhile to get everything moved. So im gonna call this a win. Thank you so very, very much!


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