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Two drives throwing errors; one disabled

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I first got an error saying "Alert [TOWER] - Disk 3 in error state (disk dsbl)"


The main screen of the GUI shows 2048 errors, and the drive has been disabled. 


I've tried running an extended SMART test several times, but each time it fails with the message, "Interrupted (host reset)". (And yes - I changed the spindown setting to "Never".)


While I was trying to troubleshoot, I started getting errors on another drive. It currently reports 1447 errors.


Both drives are connected through the same HBA card. I haven't confirmed whether they're using the same breakout cable, but several other drives would also be connected on the same cable(s) regardless.


Before I restart / start poking around, I'd appreciate if anyone can help guide me to where I should be looking based on my diagnostics file. Thanks!


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Thanks for taking a look!


The two drives in question are on the last two plugs of a 1-to-4 SATA power splitter, so I'm going to replace that and see if it helps. (Thinking back, it seems like I heard a spin-up just before the still-online drive starting spitting errors and the extended SMART test failed on the offline drive, so that does seem to suggest a power issue.)


What's the process to get things back online? I'll power down, replace the power cable, then ... will Unraid handle the rest once I boot back up?



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