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[SOLVED] No network connectivity

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Hey all, I'm new to the UNRaid community but excited to get a server up and running. I'm running the latest non-beta release (4.7) and am unable to get any network connectivity. Syslog at pastebin


I do have link lights on both the computer and switch. There were no connectivity issues when it was running XP and no hardware has changed since then. I did try adding a PCiE card as well, but that did not resolve the issue so I removed the NIC. The posted syslog is from after that second NIC was removed (onboard NIC only). My DHCP (pfsense) does not assign a lease or otherwise recognize the computer. I tried adding static mappings (by MAC) to both PC and pfsense without effect (IP showed, but computer not pingable). From the syslog I can see that it's not getting DHCP, but I know the server works. What steps should I take next? Any help is appreciated! My wife is getting antsy without access to her TV shows  :P Thanks



Did some more googling on my own and found some recommended network settings - while I'd prefer DHCP, I did find a static mapping that worked. Looks like the issue was the DNS server wasn't set in my original static attempt.

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Apologies for bumping, but since I'm "unsolving" my issue, I thought it would be better than to open a new thread for the same issue. Though setting a static IP allowed me to access the web manager, I was still unable to copy ANYTHING over to the new array. Looks like I need to resolve the DHCP issue... I've spent quite a few hours on this now, and am almost at the point where I'm just going to go back to XP (*GASP!*). Please save me from my non-parity fate.

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What are your settings for Networking on the XP machine?  (As I recall, you can find them by right clicking on 'Computer', select 'properties' and look for the network settings.)  Be sure that you have the same settings for SMB on your unRAID machine.  It is particularly important that both are set to the same workgroup.  In the SMB settings, be sure that you allow unRAID to become the 'Local Master'. 


This Local Master is determined by an 'election' among the computers running Windows network.  This Local Master is the DNS for the windows network.  The process normally works but occasionally it can screw up.  (I have had occasions where all on the computers on the network but one can see a server and THAT one machine will be most preserve about not be able to find it!) 


One thing I can suggest to check and all settings on all your computers that you use on the network.  Now shut EVERYTHING down.  Waiting about ten minutes.  Turn everything back on.  Now wait ten to fifteen minutes to allow all the negotiations to settle out.  DO NOT attempt to do any network operation during this time.  My experience is that once a computer can't find a resource, it will refuse all efforts to convince it that it exists!


The reason to have your unRAID computer allowed to serve as the Local Master is that (for most of us) it is always on.  This means that when all of the other computers are off, it is serving as the Local Master.  When any other computer starts up, it broadcasts its name, IP address, etc and the Local Master enters it into the local table. 


I really don't think the DHCP table on your router has anything to do with not being able to see your server.  The table is there because the router has to know what addresses are assigned so it does not assign two computers to the same IP address.  I don't believe SMB ever looks at the table for any information.  If you manually assigned an IP address to your unRAID computer, you might want to enter it manually so that the router 'knows' that address is in use.  (That is the reason why most people assign their unRAID to a number at the upper end of the IP address range.  If they don't enter the address manually, it most unlikely that the router will ever automatically assign the address.  All routers start at the low end when assigning addresses.)


Good Luck

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Thanks Frank1940, I plugged kvm into the server and managed to get network connectivity and set UNRaid as local master. The problem now is that after ~50mb of a file has been copied to the NAS, the speed slows to a crawl (currently 800KB/sec and dropping, originally ~30MB/sec). Anyone have any ideas? Maybe a cache issue? can't think of why the first bit would be so much faster.


EDIT: I've plugged in an Intel PCiE gigabit NIC and am still getting the same transfer speeds.

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I am having the same issue as well.  I usually just drag and drop whatever file I want to transfer from my Win7 PC to the server media shared folder.  The transfer starts at about 40 MB/s, but the speed drops to 8 MB/s at times.


What did you do to solve your issue?

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