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Actually, I believe the SASSLP-MV8 had issues on beta 12. Beta11 might be needed.


I would read the beta12/12a threads and confirm that.

If you have a Realtek 8111E controller on top of that. you have problems.. (it looks like your board has an 8112 flavor)


It has been a while since I had to look.


in the Beta14 thread, there is a user updated version of unraid by Peter_sm that should have working drivers for both cards, I have not tested this yet.

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I'm using both those cards when I built my unRaid VM (ATLAS clone)


If I recall, I had issues with b12/b12a (forget what they were at the time) so I settled on b11 which I've been on for months without issues.


My recommendation for that config of controllers would be b11


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thanks all,for the quick replies...so from what I understand since I have a little space more(for couple of drives)and normal final 5 would be out about June,or maybe this issue will be solved sooner,i could wait a little....another issue of course would be if the asus board could even do 2 AOC-SASLP-MV8... ::).... except the supermicro boards that are expensive for 1155 socket board what would be my other options with latest beta?

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Actually, I believe the SASSLP-MV8 had issues on beta 12. Beta11 might be needed.


Oh right - I missed that, and figured based on your Goliath build running on 12a with 2x MV8's and 1x m1015 in it, that it'd be fine.  Oops!

not sure why I was not effected by the bug on my build.

Goliath is actually on 14 now.. I should update that.

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