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Can't make changes

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I'm having an issue where I can't seem to delete shares. I clear the share name, hit apply, the page refreshes but nothing is removed. The share is top level and empty. This is what the error log shows:


May 18 12:16:19 Tower emhttp: shcmd (108): :>/etc/samba/smb-shares.conf

May 18 12:16:19 Tower emhttp: Restart SMB...

May 18 12:16:19 Tower emhttp: shcmd (109): killall -HUP smbd

May 18 12:16:19 Tower emhttp: shcmd (110): ps axc | grep -q rpc.mountd

May 18 12:16:19 Tower emhttp: _shcmd: shcmd (110): exit status: 1

May 18 12:16:19 Tower emhttp: shcmd (111): /usr/local/sbin/emhttp_event svcs_restarted

May 18 12:16:19 Tower emhttp_event: svcs_restarted


Coincidentally I can't make changes to application paths for plugins. For example if I want to create a data directory in SABnzbd, it won't let me make any changes.. Same if I want to change "Run as User".


It sounds like it may be a permissions issue? I am logged in as root?



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Since we have absolutely no idea which version of unRAID you are running, it is impossible to give advice.  In the same way, since you did not attach a syslog as requested in the sticky above, we have no way to give clues to give advice.


your snip of the syslog is of no help, as it is completely normal to see SMB killed and re-started when you change a configuration.  since you elected to only post what you thought was relevant in the syslog, as far as we can see, your system is not showing anything abnormal.


Joe L.

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