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5.0 rc5 data rebuild issue

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I wanted to replace a 2tb drive with a 3tb drive and have done this many times before.  Simply unplug the 2tb drive, shut down, and plug in the 3tb drive and then on the management console, restart the array, and press the rebuild button to rebuild the new drive from parity.  Just did this on another of my servers, but this one won't rebuild.


Server is Yellow balled, and the replaced disk (5) is red balled.  Usually there is a rebuild button to start rebuilding the newly replaced drive from the parity.  In this case, no rebuild button is showing.  What am I doing wrong?


Syslog attached.


Reinstalling the 2tb disk fails too as it says the the 2tb drive is too small.  Now what?


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Why exactly are you pulling the drive out and then shutting down? Your trying to fake a disk failure when you don't need to it seems. You can upgrade disks just by assigning a new disk to that slot, and then rebuilding it.


I'm not really sure on your problem, hopefully you figure it out, but I definitely would stop trying to fake a failed hard drive when you don't need too. It could be what possibly caused this.

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Thanks for the feedback.  I had another 3tb drive that had be successfully precleared and was able to start the rebuild with it.  Suddenly midway through the rebuild, it red balled too.  I am suspicious of the back plane on my Norco 4224.  Funny that these exact same connections were able to do a preclear, yet are not able to support a rebuild.


I pulled the drive that first was unable to rebuild and placed it in the slot of the drive that is being replaced.  Now I was able to start a successful rebuild on that drive where I wasn't before.  We'll see what happens now.

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