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(Solved) Reiserfs errors

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Good news.


I ran --check.  It told me to run --rebuild-tree.  I ran it early this morning, got back all is good.


Now, how can i delete the lost+found fold on the drive?  It has 0 items inside but yet it says I don't have permission to do this operation. 

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Good news.


I ran --check.  It told me to run --rebuild-tree.  I ran it early this morning, got back all is good.


Now, how can i delete the lost+found fold on the drive?  It has 0 items inside but yet it says I don't have permission to do this operation.

Then, it is probably not empty, or, you are trying to delete it from Windows and it is owned by root.


Easiest is to delete it via telnet, after verifying it is really empty.




That will put you in "midnight commander"

Navigate to the lost+found folder, verify it is empty, if it is, delete the folder.



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