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[SOLVED] cache drive not working

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I'm running 5.0-rc5 of unraid pro and I've installed a 2tb drive as a warm spare/cache drive.  However I don't think its being used.  I've added on the main tab and I've changed each of my shares to use it.  But, when I copy files to a share I don't see the used space on the cache drive change on the main tab (stays at 94.7mb).  I also have SMB turned on for the cache drive and I don't see any files being written to the it. 


Is there something else I have to do to get the cache working?  I have a large amount of data to move to my server and I really wanted to cache to speed up the transfer.


Thanks in advance,


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The healing power of a reboot.


Not sure why I didn't try that sooner.


My "apparent" transfer rate has tripled and I'm happy.  This should save days off of my repopulation of my server.


Thanks all.


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