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Cannot expand array


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I recently upgraded to RC6 and everything seems to be working fine, except that whenever I try to add another drive to the array the web GUI crashes and the array won't start.


I can still ping the server, but the only share available is flash. If I reboot the server from the console the new disks are unassigned, and I can start the array with the old config.


I have tried to add two different disks (one at a time) and neither has been successful. Appreciate any suggestions... syslog attached.


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One of the drives it a 1Tb Seagate drive, and the other is my old parity - a 2Tb WD. Upgrade was required to accommodate large drive support. I can't use RC5 as per my previous post re: isues with the 'new permissions' script.


I am now completely out of free space in the array (with the cache drive now filling up), and desperately in need of suggestions.

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I have 2Gb of RAM and I have not pre-cleared the drives, however both have been in the array at some point in the past and I was able to run up a trial instance of unraid 4.7 on another PC and read one of the disks without issue.



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is there any HDD activity when you loose access?


If UnRaid doesn't detect the drive is properly cleared it will do its own clear/clean before it adds it to the array.

This can take hours depending on the size and speed of the drive.

Many people have reported the webgui goes unresponsive while this is happening.


Whack this on your server and pre-clear one of the drives, then try again


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Thanks for the suggestion - it took about 24hrs to run on the 1Tb drive, but I was just now able to add it to the array!


Running it now on the 2Tb


Good to hear. Not sure how much looking in that thread you did. Many people run multiple preclears on a disk. it is good way of testing the disk.

I recently did a pre-clear on a 320GB 2.5" HDD. Ran it 5 times, took almost 48 hours! Purely to test the HDD, not running it in UnRaid.

I now also have a mITX machine which i ran run UnRaid on purely for doing preclears as it takes a long time to do!

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