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[SOLVED] Parity Upgrade - red-balled parity now

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I am upgrading my parity drive from a 2tb drive to a 3tb drive, and have completed the upgrade to 5.0 RC6-test.


The steps I followed were:

1. Stopped the array, and unassigned the 2tb

2. Powered down with clean power down

3. Pulled SATA cable from 2tb, plugged into new 3tb

4. Powered up the server

5. It said press start to start array and start parity sync

6. I pressed start, and the array started but with red-balled parity, and at the bottom of the screen it reported parity invalid.

7. I stopped then started it again, same thing.

8. With the array started, I pressed "Parity Sync".

9. It is now re-building a 3tb parity


Am I good now, or did I mess something up?  I thought when I started the array up, it would automatically re-build or sync parity to the new drive, I am concerned that it did not and now I have fowled something up?


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I am upgrading my parity drive from a 2tb drive to a 3tb drive, and have completed the upgrade to 5.0 RC6-test.


The steps I followed were:

1. Stopped the array, and unassigned the 2tb

2. Powered down with clean power down

3. Pulled SATA cable from 2tb, plugged into new 3tb

4. Powered up the server

5. It said press start to start array and start parity sync

6. I pressed start, and the array started but with red-balled parity, and at the bottom of the screen it reported parity invalid.

7. I stopped then started it again, same thing.

8. With the array started, I pressed "Parity Sync".

9. It is now re-building a 3tb parity


Am I good now, or did I mess something up?  I thought when I started the array up, it would automatically re-build or sync parity to the new drive, I am concerned that it did not and now I have fowled something up?

We cannot tell, as you did not attach a zipped syslog for analysis.


Joe L.

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Ok, the parity drive is now green again.


The message I am getting is:


Check will start a Parity-Check.

    [checkbox]Correct any Parity-Check errors by writing the Parity disk with corrected parity.

Parity has not been checked yet.



I assume I should click on the "Check" button now to parity sync?  The previous process must have been bringing the new drive into the array without parity.


I have also attached my syslog.


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I assume I should click on the "Check" button now to parity sync?  The previous process must have been bringing the new drive into the array without parity.


The previous parity replacement and rebuild was to actually BUILD parity on the drive.  Now that it's complete, yes technically a parity check has never run (just built).


I've been in a habit of just running a parity check after ever doing anything with the parity drive.

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I did the same, precleared my drive, shut down the server, plugged the new 3TB drive into the server and started the array.


The only option I saw was to press the "Parity-Sync" - which means the same as a parity rebuild? Can someone confirm please?


Currently it's running: "Parity-Sync in progress".


Thank you.

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