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Need Help Configuring Mail


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Okay - this can NOT be hard ... but it's kicking my you-know-what !!


I've followed the 14 steps in "Install and Configure Mail and SSMTP" several times, but with no luck.



Based on a discussion in this thread [ http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=19416.0 ], I downloaded a replacement for mail-ssmtp-unmenu-package.conf and then tried the same steps again.


Everything works fine up through step 10 ... but on steps 11 & 12 I get an error message that the versions don't match -- and although it SAYS "Installed, but version is different ..."  it does not appear to be installed, as the "Download" button is still present.    ... and any attempt to send a test message results in an error due to SSMTP not being installed.  [see the last post here for the detailed message I'm getting:  http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=19416.15 ]


I'm still using v4.7, so I can't try SimpleFeatures (which apparently is an easier way to get mail capability) ... but I've also tried this with the latest v5 beta and still have no luck.


I'm wiping the flash between tries, so everything's "clean" each time.    Using the latest version of UnMenu (Version 1.5, Rev 246) and trying both UnRAID v4.7 and v5.0-rc8a


What am I doing wrong ????


FWIW there are no other add-ons installed from UnMenu.    I've been using only Clean PowerDown and the APC UPS addon, but decided I'd like to add the e-mail notifications.    Once the e-mail is working, then I'll reinstall the PowerDown and APC packages.


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I did have this working when I was on 4.7 with unMenu but I don't remember the details. Now I am on 5.0rc8a with SimpleFeatures and I am using the mail setup in SimpleFeatures instead of unMenu and that is working for me. Have you tried SimpleFeatures?


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I'm still using 4.7 -- and it's been absolutely rock solid so I really don't want to upgrade at this point.    4.7 with UnMenu to provide UPS support is really all I need.  I had simply decided it would be nice to also get an e-mail whenever an abnormal event occurred on the server -- so I tried to install the SSMTP package for mail (obviously intending to then install notifications).


Apparently it's not nearly as easy as it would seem -- so I suspect I'll just leave well enough alone.    In 2 years I've only had a few power failures and one disk failure that would have resulted in e-mails anyway.


My guess is that since SimpleFeatures was implemented for v5, any further updating of UnMenu has fallen off the radar ... and this package was a victim of that.    I thought I'd found a fix in the previous question about it (that included a link to an updated package) -- but that also doesn't work (as I noted in some detail).


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Played around with SimpleFeatures on v5, and clearly this is much easier to configure (and works like a charm).  I suppose one-of-these-days I'll upgrade to v5 and just use that.


Meanwhile, I'd still love to get the UnMenu version working on my main v4.7 server => surely SOMEBODY is using this and could give me a clue as to just what needs to be done to set it up !!  8)


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