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looking for new server hardware


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I currently have a giant coolermaster STC-T01 tower with two power supplies.  It was one of the original cases offered from limetech.  I have had it up and running for several years and it is time to get somethgin more compact, quieter and less of a power hog. 


I like the servers currently offered by lime tech but they are kind of pricey for me.  I was actually looking at a new drobo 5N... I realize it does not allow for the same number of drives as I have now but since larger drives are cheaper these days, i can get away with fewer drives.


Unfortunately I do not have the time these days to do a custom build, so I am wondering if anyone knows of a place offerign pre built servers (minus the actual drives) that are small and quiet like a drobo.


any ideas would be appreciated.

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Follow the link to the Blog of OP from this thread.  I believe they are still building servers. 




DISCLOSURE:  I have absolutely no connection with this company.  I have NEVER done business with them.  I do not know any of the principals involved in its day-to-day operation.  I only know that the OP is a regular poster in this Community. 

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