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I know its not ideal, but my test server includes a 10/100 ethernet port on the motherboard, and only one PCIe-X1 slot, which I am hoping to use with a SATA controller.  Any chance a USB NIC will work with unraid?  I know i won't get gig speeds (USB 2.0) but if I can get a little better than 100base-T speeds from a $12 adapter, I'm golden.


And while I'm at it, rather than start a new thread in the hard disk forum... Will the favorite SuperMicro or IBM M1015 cards work in a PCIe-X1 slot?  Again I know I'll be limiting speeds, but this is for a second unraid server to act as a backup of the primary's most critical files, and performance isn't super high on the list.

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I know its not ideal, but my test server includes a 10/100 ethernet port on the motherboard, and only one PCIe-X1 slot, which I am hoping to use with a SATA controller.  Any chance a USB NIC will work with unraid?  I know i won't get gig speeds (USB 2.0) but if I can get a little better than 100base-T speeds from a $12 adapter, I'm golden.

most likely not


And while I'm at it, rather than start a new thread in the hard disk forum... Will the favorite SuperMicro or IBM M1015 cards work in a PCIe-X1 slot?  Again I know I'll be limiting speeds, but this is for a second unraid server to act as a backup of the primary's most critical files, and performance isn't super high on the list.

No, different size of slot.

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I know its not ideal, but my test server includes a 10/100 ethernet port on the motherboard, and only one PCIe-X1 slot, which I am hoping to use with a SATA controller.  Any chance a USB NIC will work with unraid?  I know i won't get gig speeds (USB 2.0) but if I can get a little better than 100base-T speeds from a $12 adapter, I'm golden.


And while I'm at it, rather than start a new thread in the hard disk forum... Will the favorite SuperMicro or IBM M1015 cards work in a PCIe-X1 slot?  Again I know I'll be limiting speeds, but this is for a second unraid server to act as a backup of the primary's most critical files, and performance isn't super high on the list.


No PCI slots?  A PCI NIC card in PCI slot will get give you Gb performance.  (I figure any board old enough to have only a 10/100 NIC would have one or more PCI slots.)

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