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CouchPotato - Finds an empty Movie Folder


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Hey all,

Using the most recent ver of Unplugged CouchPotato.


All loaded fine, is querying movies, nzbsnab and communicating with SAB A-OK.


Only problem is when I try to manage my existing Movie folders so that they can be pulled into the library, the UI comes back as if the movie folder is empty.


I can query another folder (Music or TV, for example) and it lists those fine.


Any ideas?

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I never really saw any point in adding existing movies to CP. I actually delete anything that had d/l'd out of CP. What are you hoping to gain by doing so?


It'll allow CP to identify movies that I already have, then pull down a better version if one is available.


For example - I might have an older movie in SD, but CP might find it in 1080p and then pull it down.


I could do like you did - i.e. delete everything that I didn't get from CP - but I have a pretty sizeable library from past work, and don't want to get rid of it quite yet...

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  • 5 years later...
  • 1 year later...
On 3/17/2018 at 8:34 PM, lionelhutz said:

My ultimate solution was to move to Radarr. Importing existing files does work, along with everything else it does.


Are you really still using the Unplugged CouchPotato plug-in?

If Radarr was any kind of stable I'd love to move to it. Crashes all the time and can't figure out how to recover it without wiping it all and starting over. Hence are back on CouchPotato

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/30/2019 at 6:14 PM, lowbiker said:

If Radarr was any kind of stable I'd love to move to it. Crashes all the time and can't figure out how to recover it without wiping it all and starting over. Hence are back on CouchPotato


The Linuxserver Radarr docker container has been perfectly stable. You likely are doing something wrong or your hardware has issues if you can't keep it operating stability.


Why pull up a 5 year old thread about a long dead plug-in anyways?


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