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Spotweb vs. Newznab


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Many of us have..


but it doesnt work too well with sickbeard/couchpotato for some


refer to this thread:




For me spotweb works great... It is MUCH less resource intensive and it also gets me all the releases I need.. There is an added benefit for users from the Netherlands; Spotweb shows a lot of NL releases that are otherwise hard to come by..


Another big difference is that newznab tries to automatically find releases, spotweb is based around a community inititive, that way if you get a spotweb nzb you are pretty sure its a good one..


I also used to have sql crashes with newznab that were hard to fix, never have had that with spotweb.


Last reason for me to use spotweb is that I expect that if every single user will go and run newznab the providers will take action, it creates a lot of extra IO towards their systems.

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Oh I'm not saying it's bad lol. I use it all the time too.


It's just that I haven't been able to get it to work with Sickbeard. It'll say it found a show from SpotWeb, but the nzb won't be added to sabnzbd for some reason.

but then SpotWeb to sabnzbd worked fine from SpotWeb interface...


I didn't look too close to it since i have another nzb indexer.

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I really want to like spotweb, but I ended up never using it after setting it up.  99% of the comments are in Dutch.  Since it relies on spotting and not automated indexing, there is a lag between when a release drops and when it shows up on spotweb.  As mentioned before, I could never get it to work with Sickbeard, despite the fact it should, according to the developers.  If it ever catches on with a critical mass of English speakers, I may jump back on this.

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