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can't access GUI anymore after cp went tits up


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Was getting some trouble with cp not starting after updating it, wad looking for its settings.conf file and trying various solutions, now the array doesn't seem to start, i have rebooted several times but all i can access is the flash drive, for a brief time it let me access :8080 but still not the GUI, wtf if going on, has cp broken my array ?

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...i have rebooted several times ...

If you didn't do a clean powerdown then it might take a while for it to recover and be available so you should wait to see if it comes back. It may also want to do a parity check if you didn't do a clean powerdown. If you still can't get to the main webGUI or unMenu you can run the clean powerdown script from telnet or console. If you have it installed it should be at



Also, you forgot this.

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Hi, sorry for posting in wrong section, the issue i dont think is cp related, its just kinda happened after a was trying to get it going, maybe a coincidence, i was tired as it was late for me and i knew my daughters would want access to the sever as they have important exams looming..they are not happy at the moment  :-\


Clean power down is available and i tried that, restarted server and left it for 7 hours.


Anyway, i have attached my syslog, its like the array is not getting started, i can only see my flash drive in network, normally when this happens i would go into gui and start array, its not letting me in, i access it by either typing in warptower or by its address but nothing, just times out, weird thing is, and this might be normal so not weird, i can access unraid menu, this is saying the array is started. As always, your help is greatly appreciated. incidently, when i now type it is bringing up a web ftp page with all my shares showing but they seem to be empty.



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Looks like you have a number of plugins running.


If you suspect CP and you can get to the flash then you should be able to disable it by deleting its .plg from /flash/config/plugins and rebooting.


Or try disabling all addons then reboot. If that gets everything back to normal then we can try putting them back one at a time to see if we can isolate the problem.


For instructions on getting back to a "stock" configuration see dgaschk's signature.

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im suspecting the cp plugin...i have not been able to start it, every time i did i noticed the data directory was incresing in size, not sure if its filling the memory, i read that the system will start shutting down services when the memory is getting full...would the same apply to the plugin installed on the cache drive casuing problems there ??

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I don't use couchpotato but a lot of plugins have a configuration file. For example, in my /flash/config/plugins/transmission/ folder there is a configuration file for transmission called transmission.cfg


If you have a similar file still there for CP you can print it out and use it as a guide to re-entering your CP configuration. You might want to delete it after you print it out though or it might re-use it as is when you re-install CP, and there might be something in your CP configuration that was causing the problem.

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