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How to uninstall plex? Re: Trying to preclear 3tb disk...errors

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I am going to try to upgrade again tomorrow, but first I need to uninstall plex...is there a specific way to do this so it completely removed, without causing any other issues. It is also the only thing using my cache drive at the moment , so can I assume it would be safe to remove the cache as well and what would be the best way to do this?


I am also concerned and want to take care of any errors are still left in my syslog, posting it below. I am also concerned about how many there are?



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You'll want a quote from someone else first, but, here's what I think:-


/etc/rc.d/rc.plexmediaserver stop


Then go to the pkg you used to install it and type:-


removepkg Plex*


Replace Plex* with the name of the pkg


then go to the library and tmp dirs and do:-


rm -r "/where/ever/the/library/folder/is"

rm -r "/where/ever/the/tmp/dir/is"

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I am also concerned and want to take care of any errors are still left in my syslog, posting it below. I am also concerned about how many there are?


I took a look, but unless I missed something, I don't see anything I'd call an error.  There are a few very minor things, but harmless, nothing to worry about.

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