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Scratch Build for unRAID Server

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So I am literally out of space on all the drives on my computer and I'm thinking of building an unRAID server. I've researched SnapRAID and ZFS and I like the fact that un RAID has much lower CPU and RAM requirements and doesn't constantly thrash all my HDs while watching a movie or something. So first I will answer all of the questions here and then I will post my current build that I am thinking of buying.


•What is your budget?  Between $1500-$1700. I'm interested in getting a good cost/performance value here.


•How many drives do you want your server to be able to support and how much capacity do you need? Right now I will be starting with 5 drives for a total of 12 usable terabytes. I would like it to be flexible and able to increase. This is one of the reasons I've chosen unRAID.


•Is expandability important to you?  If so, what's your long term goal? Yes. Long term goal is to have a scalable storage solution.


•Are you interested in running any unRAID Add Ons (see here)?  Not that I am aware of. I have a Mac Mini that I will be using to display content. I literally just want it to show as a drive that I can play content in VLC.


•Do you want to run green/low power drives or faster 7200 rpm drives?  I am going with the Western Digital RED drives.


•Do you have any spare parts laying around that you would like to apply towards your build?  None whatsoever.


Parts List:


Case: Corsair 550D http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811139012

PSU: Kingwin Fanless power supply http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817121083

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UD4H http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128583

CPU: Intel Core i3-3225 3.3Ghz http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116774

CPU Fan: Zalman fan http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835118003

Memory: 4GB memory http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145260

NIC: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833106036

HDs: 5 x WD RED 3TB http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822236344


Basically I just want to know if there is anything here that I haven't done, or that I need to do. This build is going to cost me around $1500, which is just in my budget. I'd actually like to buy this tonight, but I just want to make sure that there isn't anything that I am leaving out. Looking forward to getting this started.

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I'm not fond of the case chosen. Will it support you,  if you want longer term growth?

can those bottom bays be removed so you can fit a 5x3?


I like this case.


It looks like all bays could support a 5x3, giving you a possibility of 15 drives.


I think you might want to consider going down that road for a storage server, unless you plan on re-using the case.


While the 5x3's are not cheap, they do help when you have allot of drives.


In my particular case, I went with Fractal Design Define R4



It was because I did not have the budget or desire to rebuild my 20 drive super server at the current moment.

Plus the Fractal Design case has all sorts of sound absorbing material in it which will help since it has to live in my bedroom.


The Cooler Master Centurion 590 was a great model case in its time.  Look for something similar.


Point is, if you want larger density, you may want to consider the option to use 5x3 in all bays.


In my case, I wanted a smaller server on a low budget for use with ESXi and unRAID.

Later down the road I may possibly rebuild my 20 drive server in an antec 1200. (now that's allot of case).

I sure miss my cooler Master stacker case with 4 5x3's!!

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Thanks for the quick reply. The reason why I chose this case is because it will be in my living room and I am very concious about noise. I like all of the noise reduction qualities that this case has, and it can still hold another 5x3 in the top if I need to expand beyond 6 3tb drives (which is about 4-5 times what I am using right now). I was going to look at the Fractal Design but it is discontinued and not available anywhere that I could find. If those are the major issues I guess that I will assume everything else looks pretty good? Thanks again for the help!

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I think the best value is in fourteen disk servers. SATA slots: eight on the sata card and six on the mobo, using two 5in3 cages and a 4in3 cage. One extra disk requires a third 5in3 and $75. Ick. And fourteen 3tb disks is 39 usable tb. Until dual parity arrives, anyway... >_>


As far as cases, any model that has anything other multiples of three for optical slots is a waste.  As far as I'm concerned.


I'm sure there's a quiet case out there with three or six optical slots.

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A quick search shows that Fractal design R4 case still available.

Some are with the window. Who knows maybe you could trade someone somehow.


What I can tell you is.. This case is really nice. Wide, allot of room and has the sound absorbing material inside.

It's a little bigger then I would have liked, but I think the design of it makes up for that.


I choose this one so I did not have to buy the 5x3's right away.

Plus like you, I planned to put it in my living room.. but that may change.


I did choose two of these for the top.

ICY DOCK MB971SP-B DuoSwap 5.25" Hot-Swap Drive Caddy for 2.5" and 3.5" SATA HD/SSD



I also purchased this possibly for placing inside at the bottom of the case.

Vantec Hard Drive Cooling System with 80mm Fan - Model HDC-800A



My requirements are a bit different then yours. It's just some idea's to consider.

I'm building an ESXi server that can support a medium sized unRAID server for my file server needs.

Later on I'll consider the media warehouse, for now I'll use external units.

I find I don't watch the same movies over and over, but tend to archive them.




What I really liked about your build is that fanless power supply. I may look into one myself!!! nice.



Did you See the Seasonic one?


SeaSonic SS-520FL 520W ATX12V / EPS12V 80 PLUS PLATINUM Certified Full Modular Active PFC Power Supply

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I originally had the older version of the seasonic in my build, but it was discontinued. Thanks for putting me onto the new one! I can't find the fractal r4 in grey with no window anywhere. I'm really picky about how things look, and even though the corsair isn't the most economical use of space it's really good with noise cancellation and it looks really nice. I'm probably going to end up ordering this stuff tonight or tomorrow. Can't wait to get started!

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Is this an unfixable issue with Gigabyte? I was reading a thread on here that made it sound like is was a relatively easy BIOS fix. Also the NIC is just to make sure that there is no bandwidth issues while streaming video content. I have read in some places that there can be issues with onboard NICs and streaming, for example, 1080p content. Just want to cover all the bases and make sure that I am not on the recieving end of any surprises.


Edit - I also found the Fractal Define R4 on eBay from J&R Music and Computer World so I might end up going with that one. I do like the look and internals of it better than the Corsair.

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I can tell you, it's expensive, but it's really nice.

sound absorbing material on the removable sides. filters.

What sold me was the two extra spots for 2 SSD's on the other side of the motherboard.



This lets me have 8 drives for unRAID.  2 drives for a guest,  DVD writer and 2 SSD's for ESX.

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The more I read the less I know, it seems.


I am thinking of switching boards to this Supermicro: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813182253


Are there any major drawbacks to this board? A lot of people here seem to use Supermicro and this is one of their highest reviewed boards at Newegg. If I do make the switch thinking of swapping for this memory:



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It's a very popular board. I would recommend it. There is one caveat. Some members have configurations with memory greater then 4GB which reveal a kernel or driver issue which causes slowdowns.



There is a work around to limit memory to 4GB. I'm sure it's a software issue that will eventually be worked out. If you do not plan to virtualize with ESX and use more then 4GB of ram you will be fine.



I bought the board recently myself.

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