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[SOLVED] Upgraded to 5.0-rc12a, boots up, telnet works, but no WebGUI.

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I just upgraded to the newest rc and everything seems to be fine, but I cannot get to //tower/Main.


The server shows up on my router with the old fixed ip that it has had, but the name TOWER does not show up there either. And I cannot see the server in my networks, so cannot get to the shares.


I'm running ESET Smart Security 4, and I've read that it could have something to do with this. I have already tested with eset disabled,

but is the some boot order for pc, unraid and the router for that to work?


I remember my windows 7 asking about the two sharing options and I selected "allow sharing".


What could I do?



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Post your syslog. 


Something is stopping the webserver from running. 


Are you running any addons or plugins? 

Are you using Simple Features?

Do the first three lines of your 'go' file (In the config folder of your flash drive)  look like this?


# Start the Management Utility
/usr/local/sbin/emhttp & 


If if doesn't and there is another command that doesn't finish, emhttp won't be run and you will have no web service from your server. 

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Thanks Frank, I just realized that I can get it from the usb too.  ;)


I only had that /boot/config folder, so I renamed that and rebooted. Now the Tower shows in the devices list on my router, but still cannot connect from windows.  :-[


That action is probably the reason that you don't have a web access.  Change the name back and do exactly what Joe L suggested. 


Or you could try running this command from a prompt (before you change the name back):


/usr/local/sbin/emhttp & 

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Hmm... I don't seem to have those folders ( /boot/plugins /boot/config/plugins and /boot/extra ).


I have the /boot/config/ but there is only shares folder under that?


But... wow... as I was writing I got to the main screen! JEAH!!


But it does not show any disks and my registeration is gone as it shows only 3 slots??


Is this normal?


Oh and I lost the connection to the WebGUI....  :-[


I tried to rename the config_renamed back to config when I noticed my mistake, but it did not let me because there was already file named like that. Then I just thought that I just delete the config file (that had no extension) and change the config_renamed manually to config. Then booted. Seemed to work fine for a moment....



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The reason you could not rename 'config_rename' directory to 'config' is because you NOW have a file called 'config' in the root of your flash drive. 


You should probably shut your server down, pull the flash dive and use a Windows/Mac computer to fix it.  (I have no idea how that file got there.  It has a very recent date stamp on it though.  For safety sake, you might want to rename it rather than deleting it.)


Your unRAID "key" file is in the config folder(Directory) and that is why you can only see three drives. 


Then rename those directories inside of  the config folder (renamed from 'config_rename') that JoeL told you to.  I would also rename that 'PackageDirectory' folder that is the root of your flash drive. 

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