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Random disconnects, don't know where to start

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I'm usually able to sort problems like this out with a little research/googling, but for once I have no idea where to start searching. This might not even belong on the unraid forums, but unraid seems to be the only common denominator...


I'm running a custom 5.0-rc8a (I know, not the latest, but it was hell building this with as little linux experince as I have and it has been running fine till now).


Among other plugins, I have tvheadend connected to a HD Homerun Dual and SABnzbd running on unraid.

I have XBMC running on a couple of HTPCs.


XBMC has randomly started to lose the connection to tvheadend. Out of nowhere it will drop the connection and, if nothing's touched, it'll reconnect a few minutes later. Changing to a different channel (different mux) usually works right away.


One thing that's apparently causing the disconnects is when starting a download in SAB; as long as SAB's working, the disconnects will happen very regularly. Capping SABs bandwith (from 40Mbit/s to ~25Mbit/s) appears to help a little, but this is on a gigabit network and XBMC has no problems dealing with higher bitrate video than live-tv served from the same unraid tower.


The disconnects happen even if SAB isn't running, so it's not the only thing that can recreate the issue, but I don't know what else is doing it. I can't trigger the disconnects from any other machine on the LAN - it appears to be isolated to the unraid server.


Right now I'm only running plugins on the unraid server that I know has been working fine with my live-tv setup.


When XBMC disconnects the only thing in the log is this, which is apparently indicative of a buffering issue:

WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::Get - asked for new data packet, with nothing available

The tvheadend log shows nothing, only XBMC trying to reconnect.



Does anyone have an idea where I should start searching for the cause of the issue/which logs to look at?



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I've had similar type issues when the connection between the hdhomerun and the decoding pc wasn't perfect. I'd start by checking the negotiated speed, cabling and switch(es) between unraid and the tuner. In my case, my mythbuntu machine decided to download a new incompatible gigabit driver that forced it to 10mb, which caused any full HD channel to fail. I spent hours trying to chase that down.

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I have my unraid connected to a switch, and the switch connected to a router; i tried connecting unraid, like the HD Homerun, directly to the router, but it didn't help.


The disconnects actually happen very rarely if SAB isn't working, but if SAB is downloading something, live-tv in XBMC is practically useless.


I don't think XBMC is at fault nor the machines running it: my primary HTPC is running OpenELEC 3 with XBMC 12.1, my laptop is running Windows 8 with XBMC 12.0. The disconnects happen on both at the same time.


If this is a hardware error, the unraid tower, the router or the hdhomerun should be the main suspects and I highly doubt it could be the hdhomerun. If it's software, it can basically only be unraid that's failing...


According to my router (DD-WRT) I have a huge number of active IP connections (1000-3000 out of 4096). Should this be a cause for concern?

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In the past, I believe I remember certain cheaper network chipsets that would drop connections, under certain conditions.  You might try adding a network card (Intel is the most recommended), and disabling your current networking.


You might also check the network parameters and stats, possibly see some clues.  See the Console Commands for Networking.  Look for packet errors, collisions, dropped, etc.

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