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Bad Flash?


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I have been running my unraid server with the USB Flash drive that I purchased from Lime Tech over 4 years ago. I recently upgraded to the unRAIDServer-5.0-i386.zip image from 5.0 rc8 image. Everything seemed to go fine. The system booted recognized all of my disks correctly and performed a parity check without a problem.


I then attempted to view an unmenu web page and got "e</BODY></HTML>0" back. I looked at the syslog and it said that the unmenu html file was not present. I then did an ls in /boot and it was empty. I shiut down the server and plug the flash into another PC and everything seemed good. I then place the flash back into my unraid server and powered on. Now it says there is not a boot device!! Tried all the USB ports same result. I then tried a Memtest86 USB boot stick I had and the system recognized it and booted. I then tried to load the Unraid on another Flash that use to boot ok, but it will not boot either (unraid server or other PC).


So I suspect that my original Unraid USB drive maybe going bad. What should I do or try next? I would really like to get the system back up as soon as possible. I guess I could order another Flash from Lime tech. Is there a warranty on the Flash drives. Do I have to pay for the software again?





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It sounds like your BIOS boot priority has been changed, and it's no longer trying to boot from the USB flash drive.


Look at the boot order; and also check for a separate  "hard drive" order -- the flash drive is sometimes listed as a hard drive, and has to be 1st in the list of hard drives for it to boot.


Another possibility is that the flash somehow got corrupted.    Hopefully you've saved your key file [if not, do that with the drive connected to another PC BEFORE you do anything else].


After you've saved your key file;  format the flash drive (be sure the label is UNRAID);  then copy the v5.0 distribution to it;  then run MakeBootable from the flash drive with administrative privilieges [right-click on it and choose "Run as Administrator"];  and then put it back in your server; be sure it's selected as the boot device; and see if it boots okay.


If so, you'll need to assign your drives [be SURE you assign the correct parity drive !! ... if for any reason you're not certain, just don't assign a parity drive until you've assigned all the data drives and confirmed all is well.]


If your flash drive still won't boot, there's another possibility we can try ... but first try the above.


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I definitely had checked the BIOS boot order many times during the process.


I finally left the server powered down for about 15 minutes and then powered on and it seemed to boot ok?!? This makes me concerned that the flash drive is marginal and may fail at any time. I think the original unmenu issue that started me down this path is a clue that the flash drive may be suspect.


So what is the warranty on the flash drives?



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I definitely had checked the BIOS boot order many times during the process.


I finally left the server powered down for about 15 minutes and then powered on and it seemed to boot ok?!?


When's the last time you changed your BIOS battery?  [Probably a CR2032]    A low/failed battery could easily be the cause of this (and they're only a few $$).



So what is the warranty on the flash drives?


Depends on the unit.  Warranties vary all over the place -- 1 yr, 3 yr, 5 yr, lifetime.    You need your purchase receipt, however => which if often a "gotcha" with these.    Fact is the warranties are pretty much useless ... but they're so inexpensive it doesn't really matter.    Even if you get it replaced, the replacement won't work with your UnRAID key, as the key is tied to the drive's GUID, which is unique for every different drive.


That's one reason Tom sells a 2nd key at a very reduced price ... so you can have a spare on a different flash drive.  But he's also very good at providing a key update for a new drive when an old one fails.  I'd buy a new flash drive;  install UnRAID Basic (i.e. without a key);  boot to it (don't assign any drives), and make a note of the GUID for it.    Then send Tom a note and see if you can still buy a 2nd key for the "2-pak" difference (I believe it's $30) so you'll have a spare available;  or just see if he'll provide a replacement key for the new flash drive.



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... running ... with the USB Flash drive that I purchased from Lime Tech over 4 years ago ...


Is there a warranty on the Flash drives. Do I have to pay for the software again?


Just realized you had purchased a pre-configured flash drive from Limetech.  That makes the warranty question simpler ... they clearly state "... These devices are bootable, tested, and include a 1-year warranty."


But as I noted, all you need to do is buy a new flash drive and contact Tom at Limetech.  I'm sure he'll work with you so you do NOT  "... have to pay for the software again."    But you WILL need to know the GUID of the flash drive.    If you install UnRAID on it as I noted above; then click on "flash" on the main Web GUI, it will show you the GUID -- you can copy and paste it to be sure you get it right.    I'm fairly sure that if you send the GUID to Tom he'll send you a new key file tied to that flash drive.


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It's very hard to find the G2's anymore (at least at a reasonable price) ... they've been replaced by the G3's.    As far as I know, the only difference is in the interface (USB v3) ... I suspect the onboard electronics is otherwise identical.


But as Bob noted, it may not be.  Nevertheless, that's what I'd try if you want to go that route.  The G3 is < $10:  http://www.amazon.com/Kingston-Digital-MobileLite-Computer-Readers/dp/B007PFQ0PC/ref=pd_sim_sbs_pc_1


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