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Bugged Share


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Hi there


I have one of my share that make unraid crash everytime i try to acces it, every other share works fine. Im currently running on 5.0-rc16c  and dunno whats the best thing to do. Upgrading to the last version? Delete the share and do it again? If i do that does it's delete everything in that share? i dont have many info since my unraid server completly freeze so i have to reboot it manually when i try to acces that share...

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1) try using the command line / SSH to move data out of the shares, possibly even doing it via /mnt/disk and not via /mnt/user

2) upgrade to release


If that doesn't work you can pull the drive, install reiserFS driver onto PC, plug the drive(s) into that PC, copy the data, put the drive back into unraid, boot, wipe the share, install release, create a new share, and copy the data off the PC into the new share.

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So far i have been able to move stuff from 4 disks and i have troubles with 2. One only show hundreds of temp folders on that share folder while the other one just freeze while accessing the share folder, other folders works just fine so i don't know what more i can do.


Ill keep working on it but at least 70% of my files are recovered for now

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