[unMENU] How put comments in package conf files?

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I would like to put some comments in the conf files. Whenever is use # unMENU hangs. Is there some sort of comment possible?


Thanks in advance




I have put comments in the files in the past.  As far as I can remember from when I wrote the code reading in the package files, unless the line in the file has one of the "PACKAGE_xxxxxx" tags it knows, it will be ignored.


Can you post an example of a file you were trying to create that hangs?


Joe L.

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Hi Joe,


sure. Do you see these two  comments '#'? I just tried it to be sure and the awk process died. If it doesn't die the Package Manager screen won't show up at least. If you remove the '#' all will be fine:


PACKAGE_NAME libxml2 (XML parser library)
PACKAGE_DESCR Libxml2 is the XML C parser library and toolkit.  XML itself is a
PACKAGE_DESCR metalanguage to design markup languages  -- i.e. a text language where
PACKAGE_DESCR structures are added to the content using extra "markup" information
PACKAGE_DESCR enclosed between angle brackets.  HTML is the most well-known markup
PACKAGE_DESCR language.  Though the library is written in C, a variety of language
PACKAGE_DESCR bindings make it available in other environments.
PACKAGE_URL http://slackware.cs.utah.edu/pub/slackware/slackware-current/slackware/l/libxml2-2.6.32-i486-2.tgz
PACKAGE_FILE libxml2-2.6.32-i486-2.tgz
PACKAGE_MD5 437e25e2abb0a557883cf376281b5944
PACKAGE_INSTALLED /usr/lib/libxml2.so
PACKAGE_INSTALLATION installpkg libxml2-2.6.32-i486-2.tgz
#PACKAGE_VERSION_TEST ls -l libxml2.so 2>&1 | grep 'libxml2.so' | awk '{print $4}'






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What you asked "How do I put comments in a package.conf file" is not the same as what you are trying to do.  You are trying to not perform the package version test.


The PACKAGE_VERSION_TEST tag is required, but you can just use "echo" as the test, and then use a blank PACKAGE_VERSION_STRING


Like this:




Another way to handle a library or file that does not have a specific "version' string would be to use a checksum of the installed file

Something like:

PACKAGE_VERSION_TEST md5sum /the/path/to/your/file



That way, you can tell if a specific version of a file exists. 


To me, putting comments in the file is as easy as putting ANY text in the package-conf file that does not start a line with one of the pre-defined "tags"  Those lines are all ignored.  (Any line that puts a "#" in front of a valid "tag" are also ignored.  The config "tag" keywords must all start at the beginning of a line, even a leading space would make them get ignored.)  In any case, that is why I could add comments and you could not, and why I asked for an example.  We were thinking of two different things.


Joe L.

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Ah, I see. My problem was not the #. It was the missing tag.


When I wrote my first conf I 'commented' (at least I thought so) all lines that were not finished yet. After a crash I stopped using the #.


Some days later I was thinking about using comments in conf files and thought that I can't use comments because of the crash.


I was counting 1+1 and got 3 ;-)


Thanks for your help.




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