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BUG: Manual mover start resets mover schedule


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This bug is not major but might cause some issues for those with small cache drives.


Tested Under 5.04

go to shares settings and check if the mover is set to the 1st day of the month.

change it to say daily and hit apply.  It will change.

now hit the move now button.

Assuming you have some content to move the "move now" button will become greyed out

and the schedule will reset to the 1st of the month.


Workaround :

Hit move now and wait for it to finish then reset the schedule to your preferred time / date.






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UnRaid V 5.0.4

Apologies for not adding the syslog

Mover was set to Daily at 1am the syslog the mover shows moving a slew of files at abou that time.

I triggered the mover manually at approx (9:10 Am ) as there were no files to move not much shows. 

The interface has now reset back to 1st of the month. 


What other logs can I supply?







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Ok booted into safe mode and tested several moves. 


No change in schedule. 

Booted with webgui plugin installed and problem returns although I am unable to ascertain if the gui is just not parsing the params properly or if its actually adjusting the schedule.

Looks more like its the former.


So the next question is how does the community help fix/upgrade the webui plugin?  or are we even allowed?


As Unraid is really good many of us just want to contribute







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