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Mover issues


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I am using a 320gb cache disk, set at 3145728 min free space.


This morning I was getting "not enough space" errors copying files to the array.  My cache drive is completely full.  Mover is set to run at 0100 every day.  It says "mover is running" but no files are being copied.  syslog.1 and syslog.2's only entries for the mover are "mover is already running" messages.  Current syslog has zero mover entires.


Permissions on the cache disk are set to nobody/users


Looking at the contents of the cache drive, there are files there that I copied over weeks ago.  So it looks like the mover hasn't been running for some time...


First question.... Why did the min free space not take effect on the cache drive? 


Second question... Why are files not being copied directly to the array (I thought this was the default behavior when the cache drive is full)


Third... Any idea what's going on with the mover?








Looks like /mnt/cache/bob and /mnt/user/bob contain the same files.  So stuff is being moved but not deleted from the cache drive???





disregard.  /mnt/cache/bob/file exists, /mnt/disk*/bob/file doesn't exist.... Files are on cache, but not the array.


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Running the mover by hand at least gets me some syslog entires (only shows moving a share, but no data is being copied)


I was having a lot of trouble with rsync a while back trying to get files moved to a backup server.


I took this out of the mover script:


find "./$Share" -depth \( \( -type f ! -exec fuser -s {} \; \) -o \( -type d -empty \) \) -print \-exec rsync -i -dIWRpEAXogt --numeric-ids --inplace {} /mnt/user0/ \; -delete


and did this:


root@ffs1:/mnt/cache# find "./michael" -depth \( \( -type f ! -exec fuser -s {} \; \) -o \( -type d -empty \) \) -print \-exec rsync -v -n -i -dIWRpEAXogt --numeric-ids --inplace {} /mnt/user0/ \; -delete


adding dry run and verbose.... no output at all, command appeared to simply hang.  I'm sure my syntax is screwey, my scripting days are long behind me and I'm rusty, but I was curious if I could get at least some output to go on.


my rsync version is 3.0.4 if it matters.




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Why are files not being copied directly to the array (I thought this was the default behavior when the cache drive is full)


I experienced the same behaviour.

I filled my cache drive and then I tried to write directly to the share on the array (same folder name as on the cache drive) and it reported "disk full".

There was definitely enough free space on the share.

I created a directory with a different name on the array and copying worked.


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Why are files not being copied directly to the array (I thought this was the default behavior when the cache drive is full)


I experienced the same behaviour.

I filled my cache drive and then I tried to write directly to the share on the array (same folder name as on the cache drive) and it reported "disk full".

There was definitely enough free space on the share.

I created a directory with a different name on the array and copying worked.



That exactly the behavior I was seeing, but nothing I tried worked.  Reboot worked.  No clue why.

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