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[SOLVED] /mnt/cache/Apps or /mnt/user/Apps

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Guys, is my reasoning correct?


I am setting up my unRAID 5.0 NAS. I have had a few hiccups, mainly since the upgrade process seems to have uncovered TWO failing HDDs. But all is well overall.


I am just starting with a clean unRAID stick, so I am loading on any add-ons from scratch. Mainly I will just be running a couple of VMs (I have vbox working, w00t!), and maybe plex and a few other things.


Anyhoo, I like the idea of, rather than the old "." directories, setting up an "Apps" share that is "cache drive only" for various add-on files like VMs.  Most of the guides I've seen suggest then referring to the location as /mnt/cache/Apps. Is it correct however that /mnt/user/Apps will always point to the same place anyway? It seems to me that this is a better designation to use, because it means that IF for some reason you should need to ditch your cache drive, you can simply relocate everything to a protected drive temporarily. You could also manually move some of your /Apps/ files to a protected drive if you wanted to.


My thinking is that I would then use a full-size drive as my cache, and in the event that I have a hard drive failure, I can turn the cache drive into a protected drive, after manually moving the Apps folder to the protected space.


Does this make any sense at all? I am no unRAID expert.

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As you ask and lionel says, you should generally be ok.  However I will let you know that I think (really I can't be sure anymore) you still need to refer the plex library to /mnt/cache.  At one point there were problems pointing it at /mnt/user.  The obvious answer of course is to just test it and if all goes well great.  If not, it would also be very simple to change the reference and if needed recreate your library DB.


That said, I can tell you that physically moving the plex library is easy and I've done it a few times with no problems.  Though I admit dealing with ownership/perms can be sticky but solvable.  The main key is make sure you have stopped the service of course.  There is also info on the plex wiki about how to move it.

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