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Plex and memory/cpu usage


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I have plex media server running on my unraid box and am having some trouble transcoding video files sometimes. Would someone please lead me to the correct log file/path/location so I can find the lines when the video is buffering/paused. I don't know if it is hidden in the plex log or the unriad log, etc. I would like to post it up and see if the trouble is with my memory or CPU.


Thank you.

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Is the problem movie in a single file, or is it in pieces scattered across your disks? (the latter happens if you just copied a DVD's multiple files to unRAID without conversion)  If the files are scattered, then 'SPLIT LEVEL' might fix the problem.


Most likely, the info you're after is in the Plex Log.

I have a cache drive with a share folder called 'Applications' which is not moved to the array.

Your path may vary, but my logs are at:

/Tower/Application/Plex/library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Logs


Post the Plex logs, the unRAID syslog as well as a description of your system.

We could at least tell you if your hardware setup is adequate for what you're trying to do.

Posting an unRAID syslog will show what else other than Plex might be slowing you down.

What's your LAN like and what device are you using when you see the slowdowns? That could get some other suggestions.



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