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New drive not visible in unraid array


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I just added a drive from an old machine to the array but unraid v5.05 cannot see it.  I can see it in the bios ok, and the syslog (below) shows it can be seen but looks like it is not mounted or made available for mounting.


Suggestions would be much appreciated! 


Thank you.



Feb 24 16:51:53 UNRAID emhttp: Device inventory:

Feb 24 16:51:53 UNRAID emhttp: WDC_WD20EZRX-19D8PB0_WD-WCC4M0260104 (sdb) 1953514584

Feb 24 16:51:53 UNRAID emhttp: Hitachi_HDS721032CLA362_JP1421HN0ANNPC (sdc) 312571224

Feb 24 16:51:53 UNRAID emhttp: ST3500630AS_5QG15AX2 (sdd) 488386584

Feb 24 16:51:53 UNRAID emhttp: shcmd (3): /usr/local/sbin/emhttp_event driver_loaded

Feb 24 16:51:53 UNRAID kernel: md: unRAID driver 2.2.0 installed

Feb 24 16:51:53 UNRAID kernel: mdcmd (1): import 0 8,16 1953514552 WDC_WD20EZRX-19D8PB0_WD-WCC4M0260104

Feb 24 16:51:53 UNRAID kernel: md: import disk0: [8,16] (sdb) WDC_WD20EZRX-19D8PB0_WD-WCC4M0260104 size: 1953514552

Feb 24 16:51:53 UNRAID kernel: mdcmd (2): import 1 8,32 312571192 Hitachi_HDS721032CLA362_JP1421HN0ANNPC

Feb 24 16:51:53 UNRAID kernel: md: import disk1: [8,32] (sdc) Hitachi_HDS721032CLA362_JP1421HN0ANNPC size: 312571192


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Your syslog:

Feb 24 16:51:53 UNRAID kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.

Put your flash key in your PC.

Run Chkdsk on your flash drive.

(use Disk Utility if you have a Mac)


This type of corruption to the flash is often from an improper shutdown.

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Ran ChkDsk and it found no issues.  Reinstalled the flash drive and no change in drive status... still not seen.  Syslog attached below. 

Should I have formatted the flash and reinstalled unraid?


Many thanks.

No need to format flash...unRAID is loading fine. 

When you say, "unRAID can't see it" do you mean that the drive doesn't show up on the GUI?


Assuming the answer is 'yes', try these in order.

1. Try clearing browser cache (or use a different browser). Then reaccess unRAID.


2. The drive is being found and set up as 'sdd', but you're right, its not mounting. Open the console window on the unRAID (or telnet in) and type 'MC' to open Midnight Commander.  (if you've not used it before, think of MC as an old fashioned gui into DOS.) Navigate to  the top of the folder directory by selecting '..' and hit return,  you should see a directory called '/mnt'.  Position on that and hit enter..do you see " '/disk1', '/disk2', and '/disk3' as entries?


3. Open the GUI from #1 and post a screenshot of the first tab (Main tab showing the disks)


EDIT: you added the drive to an up and running array. Did you run the preclear script on it? (realizing you can't see it in the GUI...:) )

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I figured it out.  Stopped the disk array, and then was able to see the new disk via the gui.  When I went into mnt/ I saw the shares I had created and that disk1 was divided into the various shares. 


This below url had me confused as I was looking for the ""Devices" assignment page", which turns out to be called "Main".  Duh.  Should have figured that out easily.




Many thanks for all your help and assistance.

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