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How to prevent "Problem accessing file" when moving multiple files?

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I'm moving a lot of files to new server and it's not nice to wake up in the morning and see there has been a "problem accessing file" in the middle of the queue.


I have set the old server to have all the drives spinning always and they are mostly wd greens, couple seagates.


The "Try again" option even does not work. Last time I just skipped and moved the one file after the queue was complete and it moved ok.


Now I tried to move the files during the initial queue and get the same error on both of them.


I'm doing this move on bottom folder level as I want the new server to be more organized. Now the files are on different disks than the top folder.


Even better would be if there would be a possibility to copy them using screen from server to server.

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I like trurl's suggestion.


When you're in Windows, are you copying MANY MANY files with one copy 'command', or is it multiple copy commands with some files in each command?

And if the latter, are your copies 'queuing up' and running sequentially, or are they all trying to copy at the same time?


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Is mounting a network share same as mapping a network share?


I queue up all the files with one copy command. There was some read errors on one drive that stopped the copy.


As I'm a windows user these linux programs seem to do what they are told and they are not asking much as to windows asks too many times. I'm afraid that I lose files in using a new program. As I was also stupid enough that when I moved files within the old server and windows asked do I wanna replace a folder I answered "Yes" and those files were gone.


About the move of files to a different disk/drive, the folders are still there or are somehow resurrected by the server after a reboot. My goal is to reduce the quantity of disks on my server so I have moved a lot of files to a new server and also tried to fill the biggest drives on the old one as much as possible.


Now my question is that when I make a new array configuration, is there going to be a problem if the folder names match on the removed drives and on the ones that stay on the array. They are to bottom folders, only files under those.

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Is mounting a network share same as mapping a network share?

Similar concept, but the "mapping" is between two Linux machines. No need to get a Windows machine involved since Windows is neither the source nor the destination. Making the transfer go through Windows means the data goes from the source server, across the network to the Windows machine, and then from the Windows machine, across the network to the destination server.


Instead, you can directly copy data from the source server to the destination server, so only one trip across the network. To do this, you would mount a network share and use mc to do the copy. You could also do rsync or just cp but mc is a more GUI-like way of seeing what you're doing. The post I linked shows the commands for mounting a network share.

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Thanks trurl!


As I'm on a budget, my next task would be to remove drives from the old array, so that I could use one of the SASLP-MV8s on my new build to add more drives. But the thing is that there are similarly named folders on two disks in the array? Does removing the drive with the folders only from the array effect the drive/disk share that has the folders AND the files?

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I have set my folder structure about 5 years ago and back then I did not really understand a thing.  :(


It's like this:


Multimedia - Movies - movie folder - movie file


I have set the split level to 10 in the past, but now it has been down to 2. I did not know that I could move files to a disk share and I have moved files to shares that I have created. I have not restricted the disks that belong to those shares eighter.


So I was trying to empty one of the smaller drives in my old server. I moved them with windows cut-paste command to a disk share on another drive. And the files show there like structure I mentioned above, but in the the disk share I moved them from the bottom folders just before the files are still there even though the files are gone now. When I use the Multimedia share they are there folders files everything.


Maybe this could help, in the Movies folder there are hundreds of movies. But if I go to a disk share and open Multimedia - Movies, there are only few folders per disk share.


Hope this clarifies.  ;)

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Mc = Midnight Commander?


That I have used years ago to "hack" my Linkstation.


But I still think like a Windows user and I'm a bit afraid I might lose data because of it when using linux tools. Do I need install it to unraid?


You said it's more gui-like? I remember it being just command line.


Can I choose multiple folder to move or just one folder at a time and do I see what fimes are being moved in realtime?

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mc = Midnight Commander. It is already on unRAID. It gives a two-pane file explorer similar to some of the old DOS utilities like Norton Commander. There are tutorial websites and even Youtube videos, but it's really pretty easy to figure out.


Yes to all on your last question.


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Headstart tutorials on MC:







Just choose the one with the most appealing mix of pictures to text. :)

MC is already installed so skip past any 'installation' instructions.

From a Telnet session or from the console just type MC


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