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Cannot Access Server Except Via WebGUI [SOLVED]

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Unraid v5.0.5


I had reason to have my office's Unraid powered down for about a month. I'm now trying to get it back online and I'm having a problem connecting. I can access the WebGUI fine via all of the connected computers, but no machine on my network (a mix of Windows 7 and Mac computers) can connect to the server share.


I "disconnected" the mapped network drive and have been trying to map it again. Each time I get this message from Windows:


    The mapped network drive could not be created because the following error has occurred:


    An unexpected network error occurred.


When I type \\Tower into the Explorer window, I get the following message:


    \\Tower is not accessible. You might not have permissions to use this network resource.

    Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.


    An unexpected network error occurred.


Here are the things I have tried to no avail:


      -In the SMB settings, set the Local Master to "Yes"


      -Rebooted everything several a lot of times


      -Renamed the server from "Tower" to "Tower2"


      -Even though this problem is pervasive on all my machines, I edited the hosts file

    on one of my Win7 machines per the troubleshooting guide to include the

    192.168.x.y.<tab>hostname edit


This is my second of two Unraid boxes on my network. The first one is up and running just fine (after being offline just like the problem server for about a month). There is no hostname conflict between the two servers, in case you are wondering. They each have unique hostnames.


I've attached my syslog. I clumsily created it by copying all of the text in the WebGUI and pasted it into Notepad.


Thanks for any and all help!


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