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Cannot delete from cache drive

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Sorry I could not find a place to post for 4.7 issues.


When I try to delete files from the sabnzbd completed folder I get an error saying I need permission from root. I cannot do it from midnight commander either. If I reboot I can delete a few but then I get the same error again it seems like after everything finishes loading.


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It sounds as if sabnzbd is creating the files with 'root' as the owner.  For security reasons, unRAID v5 and later does not allow the 'root' user to access files via a share so that explains your error.  You should instead get sabnzbd to create files with 'nobody' as the owner (or an appropriate alternative if you do not use the default user) and then the problem will disappear.

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Getting I/O errors in the syslog. Unassigned it from being the cache drive and tried to preclear it and got an error that it was not responding. I will try a new cable tomorrow but I have a feeing this drive may have issues even though it did not redball.

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