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Installing Plugin Errors

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Hello Everyone,


I've been having an issue when trying to install packages to my unraid server. Everything was working fine up until a few weeks ago when I ran into a small problem and had to re install unmenu. Every since, I've been getting strange errors in my syslog along with errors when trying to install new plugins...... I am, as expected, a noob at this and need your help...Bellow are some of the errors that I am getting....


This is a snap shot of my syslog within unmenu. These 3 events repeat a number of times before the server continues on with the boot up.


Jun 17 21:28:42 Tower logger: Warning: simplexml_load_file():                                                                                ^ in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13 (Minor Issues)

Jun 17 21:28:42 Tower logger:

Jun 17 21:28:42 Tower logger: Warning: simplexml_load_file(): /boot/config/plugins/plexupdater.plg:825: parser error : Entity 'nbsp' not defined in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13 (Errors)

Jun 17 21:28:42 Tower logger:

Jun 17 21:28:42 Tower logger: Warning: simplexml_load_file(): iv><div class='line' id='LC286'>$stuff$nbsp;$stuff$nbsp;$stuff$nbsp;$stuff$nbsp;$stuff$nbsp;$stuff$nbsp;$stuff$nbsp;$stuff$nbsp; in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13 (Minor Issues)


and finally, whenever I try to install a plugin.


Linux 3.9.6p-unRAID.

root@Tower:~# cd /boot/config/plugins

root@Tower:/boot/config/plugins# installplg transmission_unplgged.plg

installing plugin: transmission_unplgged


Warning: simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "transmission_unplgged.plg" in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13

xml parse error


Any insight would be greatly appreciated.



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