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Botched upgrade from 5.0-rc16 to 5.0.5?

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1. Made a backup of the Flash drive

2. Used the readme for upgrade instructions (copied over bzimage, bzroot and readme)

3. The readme makes mention of the new "syslinux" directory, though doesn't appear to say much beyond the fact that it is new.  Because it was populated in the upgrade zip file, I copied this over to the flash as well.


I run headless (something I don't believe I'll do on an upgrade anymore, as I don't have IPMI on this machine).  I booted the server, and all I know is, I cannot access the webGUI which I assume is still accessible by simply typing the IP address in the web browser?


I plan to upgrade hardware (which I have NOT done: a new mobo/ram/cpu), so I wanted to run 5.0.5 in order to have the "doesn't matter what controller port the hard drives are on, just specify your parity and/or cache drives" feature before upgrading hardware.  I was going to put this off, as I have an imminent move planned early July, but figured it may be helpful as I plan to take the hard drives out of the Norco 4224 and into their ESD bags and shock resistant box/packaging (the box they send when you order 16+ bare drives) before moving, when it comes time to putting all the drives back (i.e. wouldn't have to worry about their order in the case itself).


So in summary, this is slightly time crucial that I resolve this and the reason for that, is, well, perhaps now in retrospect, due to my stupidity.


So any and all help is greatly appreciated. <grin>

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