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Premission Denied Raspberry Pi unraid share.

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I just bought a Raspberry Pi and i want to use it to be able to change/import/export files from my unraid server.


I have successfully mounted my unraidshare; media , and can view the files on my PI.


What I've done;


cd /mnt

sudo mkdir /mnt/unraidtower

sudo mount -t cifs //192.xxx.x.xx/media /mnt/unraidtower -o username=pi,password=raspberry 


Then I'm able to read from the share, and see all the files in /mnt/unraidtower. But im not able to edit any of the files.

I get premission denied even though I have created the user; pi with the correct password raspberry in unraid and sat the permissions for that user to Read/write.


Any idea why i get file premission denied, or have I gone about this the wrong way?


Any tips or help is greatly appreciated :) 


Edit got it solved :)

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 years later...

This is old post but shown by google search so might be helpful for other people experiencing similar problem:

BY default cifs mounts with owner = root and permissions of 755. You can set dir_mode to 777 when mounting:

sudo mount -t cifs //192.xxx.x.xx/media /mnt/unraidtower -o username=pi,password=raspberry,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777


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  • 2 years later...
On 5/3/2021 at 6:11 AM, veelckoo said:

This is old post but shown by google search so might be helpful for other people experiencing similar problem:

BY default cifs mounts with owner = root and permissions of 755. You can set dir_mode to 777 when mounting:

sudo mount -t cifs //192.xxx.x.xx/media /mnt/unraidtower -o username=pi,password=raspberry,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777


Thanks! This did help me!

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