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Asking for a 5 Bay Budget build recommendation


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Personally I'd spend a bit more and get an Intel-based system, but for a very low cost system, this would be hard to beat:  http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboBundleDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.1801938&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL081414&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL081414-_-EMC-081414-Index-_-Combo-_-Combo1801938-LM3A


$229.99 with everything you need except disks and an UnRAID license ... and it even includes one 1TB disk that would be a nice cache drive.    The case has 5 internal drive bays, plus 4 external bays that could easily hold 4 more drives as is; or even more with a 4-in-3 or 5-in-3 adapter.



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By the way, if you're in the US, watch for Newegg's "Shell Shocker" deals.  They occasionally have some very nice combo buys.    For example, this morning (midnight - 10AM Pacific time( they had an Intel Haswell based system with a 3.2GHz Pentium, 8GB of memory, case and power supply, a 64GB SSD, and a 1TB hard drive for $299.99  :)


Those deals are fairly frequent ... probably at least one fairly nice system/week that's in the $300 - $400 price range.


You do, of course, have to be "ready to strike", as the deals are only good for a limited number of hours.


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