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unRAID server doesnt boot up


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Hi Everyone,


i use unraid OS since 2011, but im fairly beginner in this system. My system has some other problems too in the last years, but I did not deal with it, but now my server stopped to boot up. I attached the line where is stopped (2014-09-27 20.36.36.jpg) its taken by a phone and resized to the maximum allowed size..I hope its possible to read..


I thinking about a clean flashdrive install since the 5.0 came out as a stable version... but I dont want to lose my content from the HDD-s. I have only one addon: Unmenu, but it has also some bugs (the pages like userscripts doesnt loaded with the standard url: tower:8080, only if I write the exact IP address of the server instead of "tower"...) so its not a problem for me if I have to start with a new clean OS, BUT keep all my datas!!! :)


Thanks for your help guys!


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I moved this by mistake to the wrong place initially, it should be in a General Support for v4 systems, because v4.6 or v4.7 is in use.


I would reload your current distro on your flash drive, may be corrupted.  You may want to check the MD5 of your current distro (v4.6 or v4.7) with those reported on the Release Notes page (MD5SUMs section).  You may also want to Check Disk the flash drive.  Sorry, I'm a little short of time at the moment.


For UnMENU issue, UnMENU has a way to deal with that, and/or you may need to set a name server.

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Ouch...now I saw I wrote in the OS V6 topic..Im sorry, my bad, and thanks for your move to the right one.


So..my questions are:

- what is exactly mean reload current distro?

- which files have to refresh on the flash drive, which could be corrupted?


thanks for your help guys!


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The problem has solved. On a littlebit different way, but solved :)

I made a clean install on my flash drive with the latest OS 5. I made an initconfig, and made a new assign to the drive. No data loss luckly :)

Than I setted up the unmenu IP address too (I found the solution somewhere in the forum) and now works properly. tower has switched to the ip address of the server automatically. So now everything working flawless.


Thanks for your help!

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