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Not recognizing parity drive after update

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I am in the process of updating from my original 4.3.3 Pro so I can add more than 15 drives.  I bought another key and thumb drive and was told to do a 4.7 Pro before going to the 5.  When I bring the system up on the old 4.3.3 stick all 15 drives plus the parity come up without any issues.  However, when I bring it up with the in between step of 4.7 it sees the 15 drives but does not see the Parity drive.  I assigned all the normal drives but the parity is unassigned because the drive is not being recognized.  When I then bring it back up on the old 4.3.3, the parity drive is there again.  What am I missing?

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I can't comment on what your issue is, however if you are not running any plugins, or are planning on refreshing them anyways you could try just going right to 5.0.6. You only need to do the 4.7 step if you want to in-place upgrade to the 5.0.X version.


If you have a screenshot of your drive assignments you can backup (which you likely have), wipe the USB and do a clean 5.0.6 install. Boot up and if your parity drive shows up then mount your disks and carry on.


You will want to make sure you capture any required details before doing so:

- hostname and IP address

- share information

- disk assignments (as mentioned above)

- plugins or GUI addons


Assuming you did a parity check before starting this upgrade, you can mark the parity as "good" in the new 5.0.6 system if all disks are seen. Then you can start re-adding any missing details.


If this works, it's likely a better approach than trying to resolve upgrade issues on such an old OS version.

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