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Downloads VM vs 4 Dockers


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Would like to hear your opinions as to installing a Ubuntu-server based VM for SABnzbd+SickBeard+CouchPotato+Headphones vs installing those apps as Dockers.


What are the benefits of one way or the other ?

How can one measure the memory usage impact and disk space utilization of the two ?


The only thing I can think of as a benefit of using a VM is the updating of the apps, which doesn't require one to wait for the docker maintainer to update the container (which appeared to be a bit of a problem when using plugins)...


Will be glad to read your two (or more) cents  ;)

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I was using VM before for doing exactly that.


I moved to docker because using a VM, i always had issue accessing the shares on the Unraid.  I prefer the native way of mounting folders in docker.  You always get the fastest to the data.  Even using 9p sharing in KVM isn't as fast.


Also, regarding the issue of not running the latest version in dockers, you could fork the dockers and just modify it yourself to get a different version or get the "latest" tag of the app you want.

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