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usr and mnt folders where are they located?


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I've looked on my flash drive and all of the hard drives for the folders usr and mnt and I can't find them anywhere.  I am running unRAID Server Pro Beta 6.0 version 12.  I also have the plex media server running using the phaze plugin.  Also, how do I reference the cache m2 drive and any of the hard drives in the array to store and run docker applications?


Thank You,


John Turi

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unRAID OS unpacks from a couple of files on your flash drive, and then it runs completely in RAM. All of the usual Linux folders like /usr and /mnt are in RAM.


/mnt is the mount point for the array data drives, cache drive, and user shares, so those sub-folders are at /mnt/disk1, /mnt/cache, /mnt/user for example.


What are you trying to do? Here is one user's guide to docker.

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Thank you so much.  I am new to this whole thing and I'm getting it now.  I'm sure I'll have other stupid questions, but, I guess that is all apart of learning.  I have plex running and I think I want to put it on the cache drive under docker.  I'm not sure yet because it seems to be running fine right now, but, I've just loaded 1300 movies on it and I want to sync them to my cloud storage.  I see if I get a lot of time outs or failures to transcode first. 


Thank you,


John Turi

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