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Cannot execute removepkg


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Plex never works for me after a reboot.  I have to manually remove and install the plugin and I've been doing so despite knowing that this should not be...


Nevertheless, now I can no longer even do this.  When trying to removepkg, I get the following:


root@Aramis:/boot/extra# removepkg PlexMediaServer-


Removing package /var/log/packages/PlexMediaServer-

Removing files:

sort: write failed: standard output: No space left on device

sort: write error

sort: write failed: standard output: No space left on device

sort: write error

sort: write failed: standard output: No space left on device

sort: write error


It is currently set to install to /mnt/user/ and I read somewhere that /mnt/cache/ is a better option.  I am currently unable to retrieve a syslog, but the last one I have is inundated with lines like this:


rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/mnt/user0/unApps/install/plex/library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Media/localhost/9/816530c0571d6f7a307190bab1d9a7e0fb358ff.bundle" failed: No space left on device (28)


I cant even post that file since it is 1.5MB zipped.


Any help on how to get Plex removed from my system?

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