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6.0 Feature list?


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Maybe I'm blind, but I can't find a list of new/upgraded features for 6.0 anywhere in the wiki or forums.


I've been on 5.0 final since it came out, and while I probably won't upgrade to 6.0 until it's stable, I'd like to know what's new and improved.  I see some mentions about a new plugin handling scheme and a new file system, but I don't know what they are or how they're different from what I have now.  I can't even find a definitive answer to whether or not 6.0 supports multiple parity disks.


Can anybody point me to a feature list, preferably with some explanation of what those features actually do? 



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Technical changes are listed in the Release Notes, but that does not really summarize what's different.  A short summary would be:

* 64 bit support - V6 is strictly 64 bit, all previous versions were 32 bit

* considerable virtualization support, including support for KVM, Xen, and Dockers

* multiple file system support - previous versions were ReiserFS only, v6 adds XFS and BTRFS

* Cache pools - previous versions were one Cache disk only, v6 supports multiple disks in a Cache pool

* new plugin system

* a new and more helpful GUI - many more settings and more info available, including SMART info

* expanded notifications are being added

* numerous other small additions and upgrades - current motherboards, RAM, CPU's, drives, and controllers are better supported


I've probably forgotten many other items.

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