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Issues with RAM


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I have ran my server on 2GB for a couple of years under unraid 5 without issues but when I changed to unraid 6 I put in more memory (4GB 1x2GB & 2x 1GB) but its only allocating 3GB.


I originally tried 8GB (2x 4GB Sticks) but the system does not boot properly with these and I get a error


Waiting for /dev/disk/by-label/UNRAID (will check for 30 sec).


after 30 seconds it boots to the tower login but without the config from the usb stick


running free i get



            total      used      free    shared    buffers    cached

Mem:      3053172    2909192    143980          0        128    2092740

-/+ buffers/cache:    816324    2236848

Swap:            0          0          0



Memory size allocated 2982 MB

installed 4096 MB (max. 32 GB)


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If my memory severs me correctly, the memory slots are grouped into pairs. (If you have four slots, you have two pairs of slots.)  You must match each stick in the pair exactly -- Manufacturer, size, speed, etc!  You can not just plug in any old memory stick into any slot and expect it to work.  Some motherboards are also quiet fussy about memory and refuse to work with sticks from some manufacturers that are spec'ed identically as sticks from another manufacturer that do work.  Best thing to do is to check on the Motherboard manufacturer about their recommendations for memory.  You can also check on memory manufacturers for their recommendations for your motherboard.


Edit:  Read the manual tha came with your motherboard for instructions as to how to install memory!

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The ones I'm wanting to use are 2x 4GB matched pairs from Kingston (Hyper X) that I have used with this board for about a year under windows and ubuntu without issues but under unRAID it fails to boot correctly with the cant find by device Id error.


The only reason I have the mixed modules installed now is because the ones I want to use unRAID cant find the flash by its name


I have installed a single 2GB in slot 1 all is OK but just replacing that single stick with a 4GB known working memory stick in this board causes unRAID to not be able to find the flash by its device label


Ive been building computers for over 20 years so this is not new to me but I'm stumped as to why it can fully boot but not find the flash by its name to load the config etc by simply changing a single stick of ram

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I googled the expression "Waiting for /dev/disk/by-label/UNRAID (will check for 30 sec)." and got several returns that pointed to posts on this board.  I assume that you have eliminated them as a source of your issue. 


Three Suggestions


1-- Run chkdsk on the Flash drive in a windows computer.

1a-- Double check that the flas drive is labeled 'UNRAID'  All capital letters.  I assume you are using a computer setup with an English keyboard configuration.


2-- There is a option to run memtst during bootup.  Run that and see if there are any errors.


2--  After it has booted to unRAID with the error message, login (you said you got to a tower login) and see if you can get a syslog that you can post.  See here for instruction that might help:




(You might have to pull the flashdrive and use a windows machine to copy it off the drive.)  (If you can log in from a terminal session, you can also try to 'cat' the syslog to the screen and copy it from the terminal window.  This is a bit of a pain in the neck to do.)

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