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usb key is goosed now how do i go??


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I have been having extreme trouble with my server, possibly a hardware issue..now the usb key that holds my pro license has gone tits up..when i plug it in a pc it acts as if someone is plugging/unplugging every second..cant access it all, i have tried to find a contact email for limetech but i can only find info to purchase licences..i have a spare kingston key i need to use to try and finish off this job as my array is currently unprotected as the parity has not been able to sync due to other issue, i am then going to buy a new firefly usb as it has the led on it..can someone who deals with licences and GUID serial etc please help me or give me details of who i need to address.

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Tom is usually very quick at responding with replacements for dead keys.


Did you include the GUID of your new USB key when you e-mailed your request to him?    To get it, you simply need to install UnRAID on the key; then boot to it; and then on the main Web GUI page just click on the flash drive and it will show the GUID.


You may want to consider buying a spare key (only $30) so you'll have one available if you ever have any future failures.


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That's what I thought. ..maybe he is on christmas holidays. I sent the guid along, with email, of the temporary key, however this not the final key I want it to reside on, I like the lexar keys as they have an activity led, I purchased a new one and waiting it's arrival. I'm hoping the keys was the cause of the problems I've been experiencing.

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